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创业智慧与思维 2022年08月15日 02:10:04








中关村科技园区简介中关村科技园区是1988年5月经国务院批准建立的中国第一个***级高新技术产业开发区。中关村科技园区管理委员会作为***派出机构对园区实行统一领导和管理。 1999年6月国务院正式批复北京***和科学技术部关于实施科教兴国战略,加快建设中关村科技园区的请示,原则同意请示中关于加快建设中关村科技园区的意见和发展规划,这是中国***实施科教兴国战略,增强我国创新能力和综合国力的一项重大战略决策。***中央领导曾先后多次到中关村科技园区视察、指导工作。 中关村科技园区覆盖了北京市科技、智力、人才和信息资源最密集的区域,园区内有清华大学、北京大学等高科院校39所,在校大学生约40万人,中国科学院为代表的各级各类的科研机构213家,其中***工程中心41个,重点实验室42个,***级企业技术中心10家。 经过十几年的发展,中关村科技园区现已形成一区七园的发展格局,包括海淀园、丰台园、昌平园、电子城科技园、亦庄科技园、德胜园和健翔园,其中海淀园的主要功能是高新技术成果的研发、辐射、孵化和商贸中心,其他六园主要功能是高新技术产业的发展基地。海淀园位于海淀区,规划占地面积217平方公里;丰台园位于南郊的丰台区,昌平园位于北郊的昌平区,作为高科技产业基地,两园面积各占地5平方公里;亦庄科技园位于北京东南郊京津唐高速公路起点,面积7平方公里;电子城科技园位于首都东北郊酒仙桥,面积10.5平方公里;德胜科技园坐落在北京市西城区,规划区面积约6平方公里;健翔园坐落在北京市朝阳区,面积约4.2平方公里,七个科技园共同构成了沿京城四环路布局的颇具特色和充满活力的高科技产业带。 目前七园内有各类高新技术企业万余家,其中有联想、方正等国内知名的公司,还有诺基亚、惠普、IBM、微软为代表的1600余家外资企业,跨国公司在园区设立的分支机构已达到112家,其中包括研发机构41家。 中关村科技园管委会近年来致力于园区的基础建设,在硬件建设环境方面,加大规划和投资力度,在中心区通过多元化投融资方式,加速建设了中关村科技商务中心区,中科院科学城、北大科技园和清华科技园。在发展区重点规划建设了中关村软件园、中关村生命科学园、北大生物城、上地信息产业基地、永丰高新技术产业基地等多个***化产业基地。为高新技术企业快速发展提供产业化空间。 园区内还有风景如画的颐和园、圆明园、香山等历史名胜和自然风景区非常适宜人的工作、生活、居住。 作为我国第一个***级高新技术产业开发区,在过去的十几年里,中关村科技园区经济发展始终保持30%的增长速度。2004年,园区高新技术企业预计实现销售收入3600亿元,同比增长25%;上缴税金133亿元,同比增长11%;生产总值760亿元,同比增长25%,相当于当年北京市地区生产总值的18%,成为北京市经济发展的重要增长源,涌现出了一大批拥有自主知识产权的新技术企业。目前园区拥有高新技术企业超过14000家,新诞生高新技术企业4268家。 近几年来,留学人员创业企业累计达到2500多家,从业留学人员近6000人。 中关村科技园区内的各类孵化器已成为科技成果转化和高新技术企业成长的摇篮。目前,园区内拥有中关村国际孵化器、丰台科技创业中心(设有国际科技企业孵化器IBI)、海淀留学人员创业园、清华科技园等各类孵化器39家。 中关村科技园区重视发展国际经济技术合作、参与国际经贸活动,利用国际各类资本发展高科技产业。至2004年底,园区拥有三资企业1600多家,约占企业总量的11.4%。Zhongguancun Science Park ProfileZhongguancun Science Park in 1988 are 5 periods approved by the State Council set up the China's first state-level hi-tech industrial development. Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee as the city government sent a body of the park to implement the unified leadership and management. June 1999 the State Council officially approved the Beijing Municipal Government and the Ministry of Science and Technology on the implementation of country through science and education strategies, accelerate the construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park's request, in principle, agreed to ask for instructions on speeding up the construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park's views and development plans, which are Chinese Government to implement the strategy through science and education, and enhance China's innovation capability and overall national strength of a major strategic decision-making. National central leadership have made repeated appeals to the Zhongguancun Science Park to inspect and guide our work. Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing covering science, technology, intelligence, talent and resources to the most information-intensive area, the park has Tsinghua University, Beijing University and other institutions Gaoke 39, at school and college students about 400,000 people, as represented by the Chinese Academy of Sciences various types of scientific research institutions at all levels of 213, one of 41 National Engineering Center, Key Laboratory of 42 state-level enterprise technical centers 10. After ten years of development, the formation of the Zhongguancun Science Park is now one seven Garden District development pattern, including海淀园, Fengtai Park, Changping Park, Electronic City Science and Technology Parks, Yizhuang Science and Technology Parks, Ruby Park and健翔园,海淀园one of the main functions of the high-tech R D results, radiation, incubator and business center, the other six parks are the main functions of a base for the development of high-tech industries.海淀园is located in Haidian District, the planning area of two hundred and seventeen square kilometers; Fengtai Park is located in the southern suburbs of Fengtai District, Changping Park is located in a northern suburb of Changping District, as a high-tech industry base, the two area of the park covers an area of 5 square kilometers; Yizhuang Science and Technology Parks Beijing is located in the south-eastern suburbs starting point of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Expressway, covering an area of seven square kilometers; Electronic City Science and Technology Park is located on the northern outskirts of the capital Jiuxianqiao East, covering an area of 10.5 square kilometers; Desheng Science Park is located in Xicheng District, Beijing, planning area of about 6 square kilometers;健翔园located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, an area of about 4.2 square kilometers, seven constitute the Science Park along the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing distinctive layout and dynamic high-tech industrial belt. At present, the park has seven more than all types of high-tech enterprises, and has one of association, Founder and other domestic famous companies, as well as Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, represented by more than 1,600 foreign-funded enterprises, multinational companies to set up a branch in the Park institutions have reached 112, including 41 R D institutions. Zhongguancun Science Park Administrative Committee in recent years committed to the park's infrastructure, in the hardware construction environment, the greater planning and investment, in the central area of the way through the diversification of investment and financing, to accelerate the construction of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Central Business District , Science City, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University Science Park and the Tsinghua Science Park. Development Area in the focus of the planning and construction of the Zhongguancun Software Park, Zhongguancun Life Science Park, Beijing University of biological City, Shangdi Information Industry Base, Yongfeng High-tech industrial base, and many other specialized industrial base. The rapid development of high-tech enterprises for the provision of the industrialization of space. Picturesque park there is the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan, Fragrant Hill and other historical landmarks and natural scenic areas very suitable for people working and living, living. As China's first state-level high-tech industrial development zone, in the past ten years, the economic development of the Zhongguancun Science Park has always been to maintain the growth rate of 30 percent. In 2004, the Park high-tech enterprises are expected to achieve 360 billion yuan sales income, up 25%; 13.3 billion yuan turned over taxes, an increase of 11%; 76 billion yuan of GDP, an increase of 25 percent, which is equivalent to the year of production in Beijing region the total value of 18%, economic development, Beijing has become an important source of growth have emerged a large number of their own intellectual property rights of new technology enterprises. At present, the park owns more than 14,000 high-tech enterprises, the new high-tech enterprise was born 4268. In recent years, the students start-ups totaled more than 2,500, nearly 6,000 students studying business people. Zhongguancun Science Park incubator of all kinds has become a scientific and technological achievements transformation and growth of the cradle of high-tech enterprises. At present, the park has Zhongguancun International Incubator, Fengtai Technology-based Business Center (with international science and technology business incubators IBI), Pioneering Park, Haidian study, Tsinghua Science Park incubator, etc. 39. Zhongguancun Science Park importance to the development of international economic and technical cooperation, participation in international trade and economic activities, access to international capital to develop all kinds of high-tech industries. To the end of 2004, the park owns more than 1600 three-invested enterprises, accounting for 11.4 percent of total enterprises.


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